Managing Message Templates

Managing Message Templates


The Templates section is accessible via the left-side toolbar.  In this section, you can create and edit message templates for use in Appointment Reminders.  Templates of three different types can be created; SMS (Text Message) templates, Email Templates, or Secure Content templates.  Secure Content templates are universally available to users on mobile devices or standard computers.  The Secure Content templates, as the name suggests, will only be visible to the patient after they confirm their identity.

Note: when you log in for the first time, there will be no templates. Make sure that you create (at least) 3 templates - one for text messages, email, and Secure Content respectively.  You can create as many different templates as necessary for your clinic's needs.

1. Creating a new template

Creating a template is no different than composing a Secure-Mail message. Click on ‘Create Template’ (the blue button on the top right)

  • Select your template type (Email, SMS, or Secure Content), this will auto-populate the template content with standard text and placeholders

Note- that only Email templates have a subject line that is visible to patients.

  • Use the body of the template to draft your customized message for the patient. To personalize the message you can make a selection of the placeholders in appropriate places in your message. Just click the dropdown arrow next to the placeholder to see the wide variety of options that is available to you.
  • There are several formatting options available to format the text in the body of the template.
  • Customize the content of your message and click the “Save Template” button


2. Editing an existing template

Editing an existing template is very easy. Click on the pencil icon on the right of the template. 


Make the necessary changes to the Template Type, Template Name, or Template body. Once you are satisfied with the changes click on ‘Update Template’ (the blue button on the top right).


Alternatively, if you think that it doesn’t need any changes click on ‘Cancel’ (the blue button on the top left).


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