Privacy and Compliance Online Training - Alberta

You can now go through Brightsquid’s Privacy & Compliance training online with the click of a button on your mobile, laptop, computer or tablet. 

The training is presented in modules of 7-15 minutes. So, you can complete the course as it is convenient. The online training videos give you expert privacy and security insights from some of the industry’s best trainers.

This is a quick tutorial on how to get started.

Step 1 - Login your Brightsquid account, via, using your registered email address and password.
If you do not yet have a Brightsquid account, your clinic’s Brightsquid administrator can create an account for you.

Step 2 - Click on the 'App Switcher' to the top left of your Secure-Mail account after you are redirected to the inbox:
Step 2 - When your listed apps display click on 'Training' to access the privacy training:

You will see the ‘Training’ courses opened on your screen. Click on the ‘Privacy Training 2022 - Alberta’ course in the centre column to see the list of modules available in your selected course.
All available courses are displayed in the right column.

Step 3 - Each module has a short description. Choose a module and click on ‘Start’ to launch the training video:

Step 4 - Here you have 3 options:

  1. Click on the ‘Play icon’, top left corner, to start the training video (That’s why you’re here).
  2. Click ‘Back’, bottom right, to go to the list of modules.
  3. Click ‘Take Quiz’, bottom right, to take the quiz if you’re feeling lucky, or you’ve already watched the video and are returning to retake the quiz.

pt6.jpgIt is recommended that you go through the entire training video before you attempt the quiz.

Step 5 - You must score 80% or more on any quiz to pass.
You must pass each module to earn your certificate for the course. You will need to re-attempt the quiz by clicking on ‘Retake Quiz’, bottom right:
Or, you can click ‘Rewatch Module’, bottom right, to watch the video again. 

If you pass the quiz, you can click on ‘Course List’ at the right bottom of the page:
It will redirect direct you to the list of training modules where you will see which ones you have successfully completed and which you have yet to take.

Step 6 - Continue going through all the modules. When you pass all the quizzes, you can click the button ‘Download Certificate’ that will appear at the bottom, right corner:

Your certificate will be downloaded on your computer and will be valid for 1 year from the time of course completion.


1. Your certificate will always display the name and clinic that were registered on the Brightsquid account when the course was started.

2. You have three months from when you start a course to when you must finish it. After three months, your progress in the course will be erased and you will need to start from the beginning again.

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