Creating a Template with Attached Form(s)

With Brightsquid Forms, you can create a custom template with forms pre-attached to send as a Secure-Mail message.

1. Click on 'Templates' in the navigation panel to access the feature:
2. Click on 'Create a New Message Template' to begin implementing a new Secure-Mail template:

3. When the template form displays, enter a 'Template Name' for your new template, a 'Subject' to be inserted into your secure message and a message for the body:

4. From the 'Attach Form(s)' drop-down menu select the custom form you would like to include with the template.
5. you can attach multiple custom forms to your template:

When done, click the 'Save Template' button.


Alternatively, you can choose an existing template to update from the list of templates created for your organization to include forms:

Once the template displays you can 'Delete' if it is no longer needed, 'Save As' to create a new one or update the existing one and click 'Save Template'.

After creating your Template with Form(s) and saving it to your organizational account, all of your Members will be able to use that template to send messages to patients.

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