Remove or Delete Members from your Clinical Organization

How do I remove a member of my clinic when they leave the organization?


When an employee leaves the clinic, it is important that they do not have continued access to the confidential Secure-Mail messages that contain patient health information. The clinic administrator must exclude them from the clinic’s Brightsquid Secure-Mail subscription. Below are the steps you must follow to do this:


Step 1: Ensure that your account has administrator access to update subscription features. If you are not the administrator, you cannot remove a person from the clinic’s Secure-Mail subscription.

Step 2: Log into your Secure-Mail account and click on ‘Settings’ to the bottom left in the navigation panel.


Step 3: Click on the ‘Clinic Members’ tab. You will see a list of all the Secure-Mail users from your clinic.


Step 3a:  Click on the drop-down menu ‘More’ to the right of the listed Secure-Mail account you want to remove.


Step 3b:  When the clinic member’s  profile is displayed click ‘Delete’ to the bottom of the profile. Please note when you click on ‘Delete’ you will have permanently deleted the clinic user from the clinic’s Secure-Mail subscription.


When this procedure is complete the deleted user will no longer be a member of your clinic.  This means they will not have access to their Private Inbox, Shared Inbox or Sent Messages folders in your clinic.  They will also be removed from the Brightsquid Directory of users.




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