Submitting an eReferral or eConsult


**Note that this feature is only available to Medical Clinics in specific geographies.  Please contact us for more information if the link does not appear in your account**


The eAdvice and eConsult referral portal is the starting point to referring your patients for specialist health care. To submit a referral please do the following:

  1. Log into the eMD portal via  or log in to your Brightsquid account at and click on the link to the left side toolbar labeled "eAdvice/eConsult Request".
  2. When you are redirected to the eMD dashboard click on the ‘+New Request’ button to the top left to submit a case:
  3. A form is loaded with information to fill in. At the top of the form is the ‘General Information
    (a). To the left is the ‘Specialty’ drop-down menu. The options are the case types that can be submitted:
    Select the ‘Specialty’ type pertaining to the referral.

    (b). Then select the ‘Urgency’ of the referral:

    (c). The ‘Specialist’ drop-down field is active. As stated, if your specialist is not listed click the ‘reach out’ link to connect with eMD.
     A list of specialists is provided for selection:

  4. Fill in the personal details of the patient connected to the referral:
    (a). Once the basic information is filled in the circular arrow icon, highlight red to the top left, appears in the form:
    It allows you to view current/past cases if any for the patient. The trash icon to the top right, highlighted blue, allows you to clear the form. Additional information about the patient can be added by clicking the ‘Show More’ dropdown option to the bottom left:
  5. Enter the referrer/requester submitting the patient referral:
    (a). Select the referrer from the dropdown ‘Referrer Clinician (Select clinician from your Clinic) list:
    (b). The name fields auto-populate. Enter your ‘Prac ID’:
    If your 'Prac ID' is already in your Brightsquid Secure-Mail profile it will auto-populate and there is no need to enter it.
  6. Enter the details about the patient condition they are being referred for:
    (a). In the ‘Preliminary Diagnosis’ field start typing the condition. A list populates with options:
    (b). You can make multiple selections for the ‘Preliminary Diagnosis’:
    (c). Additional details can be added by clicking ‘Show More’ to the bottom right:
    (d). Fill in additional details about the patient’s condition:
  7. Add supporting documents etc:
  8. When done click the ‘Save’ button to the top right:7.png
    A successful case popup appears at the top of the page:
  9. You can add a note to the referral by clicking the ‘Add a not to case’ button to the top right highlighted by the red box:
    You can click 'here' to get redirected to the support resource about adding a 'Note' to a submitted eMD eConsult. Additionally, you can edit the referral by clicking the ‘Edit’ button highlighted by the blue box to the top right. Click 'here' to get redirected to the support resource about editing your eMD eConsult case.
  10. To return to the ‘Dashboard’ screen click on the ‘Dashboard’ button to the top left:


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