Forgot your Login Password

Step 1: Click on ‘Forgot Password’ on the login page at the bottom left of the 'Password' field:

  • Enter your registered email address with Secure-Mail in the 'Email' field
  • Then click the 'Reset Password' button (highlighted red)


The service will send you an email with reset instructions.

Step 2: Open the link in the email sent to you. Click/Tap on the blue 'Reset Password' in the message body of the notification email:


Ensure that your password meets the Brightsquid requirements


  • Minimum of 8 characters (more than 8 is great!) in the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' fields
  • At least one (1) number
  • At least one (1) capital letter
  • Click the 'Reset Password' button next (highlighted red)

Step 3: A successful reset redirects you to

Step 4: Enter your complete registered email address with Secure-Mail. If you enter only your name, you will not be able to login.

Step 5: Enter your newly set password. Ensure that your Caps Lock is not on.

Step 6: Click Login to open your Secure-Mail inbox.

Note: Never share your password with anyone from your clinic or outside your clinic.

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