Secure-Mail Account Creation for Patients

The Brightsquid Secure-Mail service was designed and built for the express purpose of securely and compliantly sharing patient health records.  Health Care Providers who are subscribed to Secure-Mail can use the service to share patient records with other Providers and/or the patients themselves.

Patients who are invited to Secure-Mail by their health care providers need only to register a free account to gain access to the system.  Once registered, patients will have the ability to receive information securely and send messages back to their health care providers.


Activating your Account

Activating your Secure-Mail account is very simple. The first notification, as a new patient-user, invites you to activate an account:

The account activation notification email would let you know the Health care provider the message is originating from in the subject. Please click on the blue hotspot highlighted red ‘Create Your Free Secure-Mail Account’ to get redirected to the account activation form. If you are in Alberta Canada and have activated your MyAlberta Records You can link your Secure-Mail account to it. Please click on the dark blue hotspot, highlighted green, 'Login to MyHealth Records' and follow the instructions in this support resource by clicking here.

Fill in the details of the form such as your name and preferred password:
Enter a password that is minimum of eight characters with at least one capital and one number. Enter your date of birth (DOB). The choice of DOB varies depending on who is the patient of record. Three attempts to enter your DOB is given.

If you have questions about the DOB or are not sure which date to use (in case of a minor child for example), please call your health care provider directly.

Click the ‘Register’ button to get redirected to the next stage. Please read the Terms of Service (TOS) before accepting:
At the end of the TOS you would observe a checkbox, the ‘Logout’ button and ‘Accept Button’. If you do not agree with the TOS, please click the red ‘Logout’ button and connect with your health care provider to make other arrangements to get your digital health records. 

If you agree with the TOS, please check the box ‘I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy’. Click on the blue ‘Accept’ button that is no longer greyed out.

After accepting the TOS, the secure message is now accessible to you.










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