Routing Messages from your Private Inbox to the Shared Inbox

Step 1- Log in to your Secure-Mail account, via, using your registered email address associated with the service.

Step 2 - Once you are in your Secure-Mail account, click on ‘Settings’ in the navigation panel to the left.

Step 3 - When the ‘Personal Details’ tab loads scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see an option called ‘Receive Messages’ off to the left:3.jpg

Receive messages has 2 options:

  1. Allow patients to message you - This option is off by default.  If this box is checked on, it permits patients to send messages directly to your private inbox. When you uncheck this box, patients will not be able to send messages directly to you. Instead, they will be routed to your clinic’s Shared Inbox.  All the staff from your clinic that has access to Shared Inbox will be able to see the message and can address it in an appropriate manner.
  2. Allow professionals to message you - This option is on by default. When the box is checked on, it permits other professionals to send messages directly to you (which you will get in your Secure-Mail inbox.)

When you uncheck this box, they will not be able to send messages directly to you. Instead, they will be routed to your clinic’s Shared Inbox. All the staff from your clinic that has access to Shared Inbox will be able to see the message and can address it in an appropriate manner.


Brightsquid suggests leaving these boxes in their default settings as that will route most incoming patient messages to your shared inbox so the team can manage them collaboratively. Also, when patient messages are received in the clinic’s shared inbox, when a certain doctor is away the line of management can be directed to another doctor ensuring seamless patient care.



Is there any other advantage to unchecking the box to allow professionals to message you?

Some clinic members are reluctant to register for their own Secure-Mail account anticipating that their email addresses will be accessible to the patients. Eventually, the entire clinic uses the same email which can have serious privacy related consequences and possibilities of breach. Additionally, only one person from the clinic can access the training tab that gives them the opportunity to take a variety of courses which is included in the Privacy Package of Secure-Mail services.

An easy solution to this is that each team member of a clinic can register themselves using their personal email address, uncheck the boxes which will ensure that their emails are not seen by anyone and can still have access to the privacy training learning management system.  


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